Jim Hanna, Sr., CLVS
Legal Videographer
Email: jimsr@vidigation.com
Legal Videographer
Email: jimsr@vidigation.com
- “Jim Senior” is a Certified Legal Videographer, registered with the NCRA
- He has been around the legal field for 15+ years
- When he’s not shooting depositions, “Senior” enjoys hunting and fishing.
Jim Hanna, Jr.
Video Production Manager
Email: jimjr@vidigation.com
Video Production Manager
Email: jimjr@vidigation.com
- “Jim Junior” graduated from Texas A&M in May of 2007 with a BS in Environmental Design
- Certified in Trial Director 6
- Certified in LiveNote
- Manages Vidigation’s Scheduling, Video Production, Accounting, and IT
- Jim Jr., spends his weekends hunting, fishing and attending Aggie tailgates and football games.
Vidigation has also established well-working relationships with many other legal videographers in the Houston area.